The late teens, twenties and even early thirties are a unique time in life that brings with it the excitement of new opportunities, transitions and deeper levels of personal growth, but they also come with a unique set of challenges. Do you relate to any of the following?

Struggling with Adult Responsibilities: 

  • Difficulty transitioning from high school to college
  • Difficulty finding your first job/ being independent
  • Difficulty adjusting to full time employment
  • Lacking in life skills (basic organization, budgeting, being on time to work or school)
  • Finding your job to be crushing your soul and seeing no way out

Feeling Lonely & Disconnected:

  • Feeling isolated and alone even around people you care about
  • Having a difficult time making friends or finding a romantic partner
  • Unable to find a supportive community
  • Picking up unwanted habits to escape (e.g drinking, smoking, porn etc.)

Struggling with Low Self Esteem and Meaninglessness:

  • You lack awareness of who you are
  • You feel unsure of yourself and experience anxiety and depression
  • Feeling a lack of greater purpose in life/direction
  • Experiencing a crisis of faith (questioning long held beliefs)

If you said “YES” to any of the above I’m here to help!

These struggles may feel permanent but I assure you they are not. In therapy, we will work together to help you reestablish your motivation and confidence so that you can begin to tackle life’s challenges one step at a time.  This will involve regaining ownership of your life instead of feeling helplessly dragged along by your circumstances. Together, we will create goals that will bring about better habits and bright vision for your future. This process can be demanding, but it will undoubtedly be rewarding.

You are not alone in the journey

Click below to schedule your FREE 15 minute phone consultation today!